[em:24] Hesse once said: [b]'Solitude is independence'[/b]. Like many other words of his, I pondered much over this and indeed, our fate is shaped much by our characters as it is by other-worldly things.... say... the weather.... erm.. okay, maybe that was not such a brilliant comparison... erm... Well well, not trying to be too serious here. [b]This is supposed to be an album for me to take a break from 'all that jazz'[/b] And typing Chinese characters... if I may add that... So, I guess I shall be permitted to display a certain degree of silliness.... *yes one does not lead to the other but shhhhh* Erm.. by the way, I think the key words in the above paragraph are 'supposed' and 'guess'.... Back in the days when I was as ignorant as I was naive I didn't know what indie was. I mean, doesn't it sound like 'India' to you? So yes, for the longest time (*alright, maybe not toooo long*)I thought all that indie music people were talking about was Indian music.. cough... But really, what is indie music these days anyways... I have a feeling it's just one of those things that's 'suddenly in fashion'.. yups we are not owned by those monster-like-major-labels that will do-whatever-they-want to kill our creative minds...and yups we don't care that much about making money... 'cause.. we are indie...and we are in fashion now.. not that we care that much.... Oh well.... I think you have probably scrolled down and skipped this whole section to look at the picture. Which, mind you, it's not really my style. But she looks cool and [b]cooooolness is to be promoted.. just like 'indieness'... [/b] ah, I should stop rambling, it's about time to click on [b]'PLAY'[/b] [em:07] [img]http://i48.tinypic.com/juwmyt.jpg[/img]
Soooo indie...๛ so random...
创建日期:2010-01-04 08:54:57
更新日期:2010-01-17 15:59:35
10首歌曲歌手专辑 时长

So I did some search and found that the Tahquamenon Falls are at 46.574°N 85.256°W, that's not toooo far away from me... I think it would be fun to visit the lower falls. Apparently they are a series of 5 smaller falls cascading around an island... I love small water falls.... that's why my only trip to the Niagara Falls was such a disappointment...


Ahhh.... just some days back I heard some wonderful tales about a trip my friend's friend took somewhere in South America. The bluest skies, the whitest beaches, humming birds and tropical sun. And I think I need a vacation too. I think anyone, everyone, can use a vacation anytime. Because your neighbour always seems to be having a party past mid night—during the week! And he is always listening to crappy music…. Yes that adds to the offence.. cough… But I have always preferred the temperate forests to the tropics. I would rather sit on a rock beside a nice little stream rushing in the woods than bathing in the sea. Ahh…


Oh yes, I remember the trips I had taken before. Coming to think of it, I am on a trip now. Life is such a journey, and your mind is such a pretender. Of course, my mind is too. Let’s see, what shall I have for breakfast tomorrow. Black coffee and a bagel. Ark, what am I talking about. I hate bagels. I need croissant. And there’s no decent croissant around. Sigh. You know wha, I don’t even drink black coffee. Not in the morning at least. Milk is the key my friend. Hm… and then I would probably go for a dive in the cool waters. Nostalgia. Of how things were, and how things should be, or have been. It’s just a trick of the mind.


“I took a river and it wouldn’t let go I want you to stay and I want you to go I took a river and the river was long and it goes on…” You know, sometimes you just can’t make decisions. You think and turn and turn on your bed and what if this and what if that. And time isn’t standing still and waiting for you to make up your mind you know. The rest of us are aging, and so are you. And life goes on. . . “so hold on, hold on, it goes on”…


When I think about it, except if one is a walking dead man (or woman, just not to anger the feminists), one has a religion. Because we all believe in something. Yes, not believing in anything is a belief itself. Ark, men’s words and men’s thoughts. Fabrications and creations. Philosophies and psychologies. Caught in a web one weaved for oneself.


Raise your hands if you believe in ghosts. And afterlife. Okay, while we are at it, let’s include reincarnation. Erm.. I do. Well, at least I hope they do. Because I would like to share such intriguing darkness with others. Because then, all that was accomplished in this life would not be in vain. Especially, if one’s got no descendants. Or is that why people tend to have descendants… hm….


“Paint your lonely skies Burning eyes, wave bye bye, to your skin You to your skin, baby, bye” I have always wondered if I should have been more adventurous when I was young. Then I would have more tales to entertain people when I am old. And I would have experienced the unimaginable. You know, like seeing all kinds of colours and weird creatures crawling out of the wall, from a crack that was or is not there. Maybe hearing things that only appear in nightmares, only more vivid or more fluid. Or just escape the world as I know it completely. But I guess I was too logical to experiment all that. Or maybe I never wanted to escape this world. Hopeless as it is, it’s still full of hope. And maybe that’s why I will never be an artist.


Whatever happens. By whatever means. Our ends are the same. Just like we are being held down by the same gravitational force. Aged by the same concept that is time. Sickened by the same virus that is the world. We will all go into that eternal sleep in the same place. Gravity will always pull us down. You thought you can escape into space. Well, voidness awaits you.


"Eversince the world began Kids were kids and men were men With their agin river crossed Into hell they both were tossed Lights out"


It's a circle. Circle of birth. Circle of death. Maybe not through reincarnation. But in a different way. No need to say good bye. We are born again when we die. End of rambling. Thank you for your attention. If you paid any. Journey on. Cheers.




love the descriptions above :p will listen to it after getting back to my dorm~~emm, independently~~

2010-01-12 03:05:57

i am waiting here, patiently as ever :)

2010-01-12 03:14:27

之前没听,现在发现不错,喜欢 John Vanderslice 和Bishop Allen .

2010-01-05 15:39:43


2010-01-05 23:15:32

依旧封面控…… 封面都好美~

2010-01-04 11:11:29


2010-01-04 21:37:49


2010-01-04 10:23:56


2010-01-04 21:37:40

最近做精选很活跃啊 竞选虾星星吧

2010-01-04 08:59:59

最终命运。。。 那倒是。。不过我还想多活活哈。。。*我们这都讨论什么呢。。汗* 你不是起的还早。。。恩。。要去上班了。回头聊。安。

2010-01-04 22:07:56