有时候,唱k的时候,想show的时候,却发现自己不是忘了调,忘了词,然后压不住场子。 有时候,要上台表演的时候,却发现自己的英文歌懂得实在太少。 有时候,想唱好听的英文歌,却发现不是标高音,就是rap不好唱。 遇到这些问题了怎么办? 要找就找简单易学又好听的英文歌,不但旋律简单,也琅琅上口,耳朵也能得到极大的听觉享受~更好的是无意中可以锻炼你的语音和口语。 不过多时,就可以出口成歌,装装牛B。 (柚子说:“= =这是打广告么” 兽兽:“囧,是有点像) come on ,baby,let's sing a wonderful English song.
创建日期:2010-01-23 09:57:38
更新日期:2010-01-25 14:50:28
48首歌曲歌手专辑 时长

Big big world-Emilia 大世界(艾美丽娅)   I'm a big big girl ! 我是个重要的女孩!   In a big big world ! 在一个大世界里!   It's not a big big thing if you leave me.如果你离开我,那不是件大事。   But I do do feel.但我确实感到。   That I too too will miss you much.我将会非常想念你!   Miss you much ! 太过想念你了!   I can see the first leaf falling.我能看见第一片落叶。   It's all yellow and nice.是那样黄也那么的美。   It's so very cold outside.外面是那么的冷。   Like the way I'm feeling inside.就象我内心的感受。   I'm a big big girl ! 我是个重要的女孩!   In a big big world ! 在一个大世界里!   It's not a big big thing if you leave me.如果你离开我,那不是件大事。   But I do do feel.但我确实感到。   That I too too will miss you much.我将会非常想念你!   Miss you much ! 太过想念你了!   Outside it's now raining.现在外面正在下雨。   And tears are falling from my eyes.而我的眼睛也在流泪。   Why did it have to happen ? 这一切为什么要发生?   Why did it all have to end ? 这一切又为什么要结束?   I'm a big big girl ! 我是个重要的女孩!   In a big big world ! 在一个大世界里!   It's not a big big thing if you leave me.如果你离开我,那不是件大事。   But I do do feel.但我确实感到。   That I too too will miss you much.我将会非常想念你!   Miss you much ! 太过想念你了!   I have your arms around me ooooh like fire.我原来是躺在你如火炉般温暖的怀抱里的。   But when I open my eyes.但当我醒来张开眼睛。   You're gone ! 你却已经走了!   I'm a big big girl ! 我是个重要的女孩!   In a big big world ! 在一个大世界里!   It's not a big big thing if you leave me.如果你离开我,那不是件大事。   But I do do feel.但我确实感到。   That I too too will miss you much.我将会非常想念你!   Miss you much ! 太过想念你了!   I'm a big big girl ! 我是个重要的女孩!   In a big big world ! 在一个大世界里!   It's not a big big thing if you leave me.如果你离开我,那不是件大事。   But I do feel that will miss you much ! 但我确实觉得我将会非常想念你!   Miss you so much ! 太过想念你了!   《Big Big World》中表达了许多爱情方面的细腻情愫以及生活中的点点滴滴,洋溢着Emilia 可爱的自信心以及骨子里隐藏的一些不敢面对现实的脆弱。   单曲《Big Big World》写的就是她揣摩一个小女生的心理, 描述迷失在茫茫人海中,为离别的爱情而困惑与思想交汇心头的感觉。   这是她在大学读书的时候写下的,她抓住了年轻人面对现实世界的孤离于挫折感。   喜欢一首歌,不光是喜欢它的旋律、歌词,而是要了解它的意境,明白作者想表达什么感情。《Big big world》拥有着另人浮想联翩的背景音乐,轻柔平稳的旋律,最后再加上她那幽雅高贵的气质,让所听之人为她倾倒,为她疯狂,身上所有的担子和疲倦顿时得到舒解,让人重新振作,信心十足的面对接下来的挑战。   歌手资料   英国女演员伊米莉亚福克斯进入了牛津城大学学习她的手艺, 在宣布在迟人中开始她的专业代理的事业之前 '90 年代。 她最特别地在 1998 年在奇切斯特节日剧场在游戏凯瑟琳霍华德担任了名称角色, 而且在大卫 Copperfield 的电视电影生产中玩了克拉拉 Copperfield 。 当做新的一千年开始,福克斯在她的再总数上在充足的角色上面毁坏 é 她在计画同类 2003 电视 biopic 亨利 8 世、和 2005 喜剧中为比较可观的部份做好准备保存妈妈。 在 2004 年,她开始在电视上玩病理学者 Nikki 亚历山大系列沈默的证人,而且她以表演停留长达数季节之久来。 在 2006 年,她也为独立的 dramedy Cashback 的她的角色逐渐获取很多的赞美了。 ~ Cammila Albertson,所有的电影引导者


if you wonder off too far my love will get you home if you flow the wrong star my love will get you home if you ever find yourself lose and all alone get back on your feet and think of me my love will get you home boy my love will get you home if the bright lights blind your eyes my love will get you home if your troubles break your stride my love will get you home if you ever find yourself lose and all alone get back on your feet and think of me my love will get you home boy my love will get you home if you ever feel ashame my love will get you home when there's only you to blame my love will get you home if you ever find yourself lose and all alone get back on your feet and think of me my love will get you home boy my love will get you home if you ever find yourself lose and all alone get back on your feet and think of me my love will get you home boy my love will get you home boy my love will get you home 克里丝汀娜,美国炙手可热的女歌手,以其深厚的女中音出名.代表作有<我的爱能带你回家>等。 基督徒歌者,她1997年发行了首张专辑“human”,99年发行"Love and Poverty."之后她于2003年与丈夫Marc Byrd合作的"lassByrd"发行.... 她最受人追捧的歌曲是"black metallic",很有感染力;她的"shadow"歌词写得漂亮,也是她节奏最为轻快的歌曲;她的“I can almost see you"极富神秘色彩;她的“and love“听起来象天使在演唱。


Twikle twinkle little star, How I wonder what you are; Up above the world so high, Like a diamond in the sky; Twikle twinkle little star, How I wonder what you are. 《一闪一闪亮晶晶》(又译《一闪一闪小星星》,英文原称Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star,又称《小星星》)是一首相当著名的英国儿歌,旋律出自于法国民谣《妈妈请听我说》(Ah! vous dirai-je, Maman),歌词出自于珍·泰勒(Jane Taylor)的英文诗《小星星》(The Star)。此诗第一次出版于1806年,收录在珍与其姊安·泰勒(Ann Taylor)的合选《Rhymes for the Nursery》中。


If you miss the train I'm on, 如果你错过我坐的火车, You will know that I am gone. 你会知道我离开, You can hear the whistle blow 你可以听见汽笛在一百里以外响, A hundred miles, 一百里, A hundred miles, a hundred miles, 一百里,一百里 A hundred miles, a hundred miles. 一百里你可以听见 You can hear the whistle blow 汽笛在一百里以外响。 A hundred miles. Lord, I'm one, Lord, I'm two. 天啊,一百里,二百里 Lord, I'm three, Lord, I'm four, 天啊,三百里,四百里, Lord, I'm five hundred miles 天啊,我已离家五百里。 Away from home, 离开了家, Away from home, 离开了家, away from home, 离开了家, Away from home, away from home, 离开了家 Lord, I'm five hundred miles 天啊,我已离家五百里。 Away from home. Not a shirt on my back, 无衬衫穿在身, Not a penny to my name, 身上也无分文, Lord, I can't go home this a way, 天啊,我不能这个样回家园。 This a way, this a way, 这个样,这个样 This a way, this a way, 这个样,这个样, Lord, I can't go home this a way. 天啊,我不能这个样回家园。 If you miss the train I'm on, 如果你错过我坐的火车, You will know that I am gone, 你会知道我已离开, You can hear the whistle blow 你可以听见汽笛在响, A hundred miles. 一百里以外 小娟&山谷里的居民天籁流水般的声音及优美合声让你的心里涌起了一股浓浓的柔情。这样静静平淡的、有点寂寞的旋律,无比的空,空得像这离家的距离,离一切的距离。


you can say all things must end 你可以说所有的一切都结束了 you can smile and even pretend 你甚至可以假装着微笑 and you can turn and walk away so easily 你可以轻易地转身离去 but you can't say, you don't love me anymore 但是你不能说出,你再也不爱我了 you can dream of what might have been 你可以怀念那些曾经拥有的 you can cry for what won't pass again 你也可以为那些逝去的而再次哭泣 and you can say there's every reason you should leave 甚至你可以有一百个理由说你必须离我而去 but you can't say, you don't love me anymore 但是你不能说出,你再也不爱我了 you can say, i'm right you're wrong 你可以说,我是对的,你是错的 you can make your plans to find somebody else 你可以计划着去追求其他人 but i can't believe you can carry on 但我可以肯定,你不会执行你的计划 we know what should be said 我们知道我们该说些什么 but you can't find the words instead you say 但你却找不出替代的语言 all things must end you can smile and even pretend 一切结束了,你可以微笑,甚至可以假装着微笑 and you can turn and say you're leaving me for good 然后你可以告诉我,你转身离我而去是为寻找更好的 but you can't say, you don't love me anymore 但你不能说出,你再也不爱我了 and you can turn and say you're leaving me for good 你可以告诉我,你转身离我而去是为寻找更好的 but you can't say, you don't love me 但你不会说出,你再也不爱我了 first just say, you don't love me anymore 起码第一句话不会是,你再也不爱我了


Right Here Waiting   Oceans apart, day after day, 海隔一方,日复一日   and I slowly go insane. 我开始恍惚。   I hear your voice on the line,你的声音在线可闻,   But it doesn't stop the pain. 但哪能消解心中愁闷。   If I see you next to never, 倘若此生不能相见,   How can we say forever? 何能誓说海枯石烂?   Wherever you go, whatever you do, 任凭天涯海角,任凭天马行空,   I will be right here waiting for you; 此生为你守候.   Whatever it takes, 莫道付出天大代价   Or how my heart breaks, 莫道我心破碎,   I will be right here waiting for you. 为你此地守候   I took for granted all the times 我曾一直笃信   That I thought would last somehow. 你我能共度良宵。   I hear the laughter, 我内心窃喜,   I taste the tear, 我孤芳自赏。   But I can't get near you now. 哪知此刻你我心隔万里。   Oh, can't you see, baby, 哦 亲爱的,你哪能不知?   You've got me going crazy? 让我身心如此癫狂?   Wherever you go, whatever you do, 任凭天涯海角,任凭天马行空,   I will be right here waiting for you; 此生为你守候.   Whatever it takes, 莫道付出天大代价   Or how my heart breaks, 莫道我碎骨混身,   I will be right here waiting for you. 为你此地守候   I wonder 好想知晓   How we can survive this romance, 如何安享此情此爱?   But in the end 但倘若有一天   If I'm with you 能回到你身边   I'll take the chance. 我会奋不顾身   Oh, can't you see it, baby, 哦 亲爱的,你哪能不知?   You've got me going crazy? 让我身心如此癫狂?   Wherever you go, whatever you do, 任凭天涯海角,任凭天马行空,   I will be right here waiting for you; 此生为你守候.   Whatever it takes, 莫道付出天大代价   Or how my heart breaks, 莫道我碎骨混身,   I will be right here waiting for you. 为你此地守候   Right Here Waiting   Oceans apart, day after day, 海洋将我们分开, 日复一日地,   and I slowly go insane. 我慢慢地开始失神.   I hear your voice on the line, 电话里传来你的声音,   But it doesn't stop the pain. 但这不能止住我的伤痛.   If I see you next to never, 如果我再不能见到你,   How can we say forever? 我们又怎能说永远?   Wherever you go, whatever you do, 无论你去何方,无论你做何事,   I will be right here waiting for you; 我就在这里等候着你.   Whatever it takes, 不管怎么样   Or how my heart breaks, 不管我多哀伤   I will be right here waiting for you. 我就在这里等候你   I took for granted all the times 我一直确信   That I thought would last somehow. 你我能等到那一天   I hear the laughter, 我听到那笑声   I taste the tear, 我品尝着眼泪   But I can't get near you now. 但此刻我不能靠近你   Oh,can't you see, baby, 哦 宝贝 难道你不明白   You've got me going crazy? 你已使我开始发疯 ?   Wherever you go, whatever you do, 无论你去何方 无论你要做什么   I will be right here waiting for you; 我会就在这里等候着你   Whatever it takes, 无论这要付出什么代价   Or how my heart breaks, 或我多么心碎   I will be right here waiting for you. 我会就在这里等候着你   I wonder 我不知道   How we can survive this romance, 我们该怎么度过这样的浪漫   But in the end 但在最后   If I'm with you 如果我在你身边   I'll take the chance. 我会紧握这机会   Oh,can't you see it,baby, 哦 宝贝 难道你不明白   You've got me going crazy? 你已使我开始发疯?   Wherever you go, whatever you do, 无论你去何方 无论你做什么   I will be right here waiting for you; 我就在这里等候着你   Whatever it takes, 不管如何   Or how my heart breaks, 不管我多哀伤   I will be right here waiting for you. 我就在这里等候你   Waiting for you. 等候着你   “如果我们无法再见面,又怎么说得出‘永远’?”“无论你去何方,无论你做什么,我都会在这里等候着你”“无论付出多大代价,无论我会心碎到什么程度,我都会在这里等你”——电话传递的情义绵绵总难长久,也许这些愿望与期待只能在歌声中表达。感受一下情歌王子带给你的《此情可待》。——只是,此情真的可待么?多少人愿意等待?多少人又值得等待?   Richard Marx是为了化解自己的婚烟危机,才满心赤诚地写了《right here waiting》, 其中动人之处,自然少不了闹别扭的功劳。有天晚上,Marx拿起电话,在电话中,将自己为她创作的这首Right Here Waiting唱给她听,将自己的心声唱给她听。后来,这位姑娘成了他的妻子,而这首歌连续三周在排行榜上被循环播放.


On the night like this There’re so many things I want to tell you On the night like this There’re so many things I want to show you Cause when you’re around I feel safe and warm Cause when you’re around I can fall in love every day In the case like this There are thousand good reasons I want you to stay.. mocca是印尼独立流行乐团的翘楚,乐队已经成立7年,一共出版了3张唱片。除了Friends和Untuk Rena两张以外,还有一张极为著名的My diary。   mocca有四位团员,分别是主唱arina, 吉他riko,贝斯toma以及鼓手indra。arina和riko毕业于同一所大学,他们在学校的时候就组了一支乐队,以唱口水歌为主进行表演。没多久arina和riko就厌倦了这种鹦鹉学舌的表演方式,他们开始自己创作。他们的音乐大都是轻快的,充盈着各种快乐的元素


somewhere over the rainbow way up high   there's a land that i heard of once in a lullaby   somewhere over the rainbow skies are blue   and the dreams that you dare to dream really do come true   someday i wish upon a star   and wake up where the clouds are far behind me   where troubles smelled like lemon drops   way above the chimney tops   that's where you'll find me   somewhere over the rainbow blue birds fly   birds fly over the rainbow   why then, oh why can't i?   somewhere over the rainbow skies are blue   and the dreams that you dare to dream really do come true   if happy little blue birds fly beyong the rainbow   why, oh why can't i ?   译文   在彩虹之上,有个很高的地方   有一块乐土,我曾在摇篮曲中听到过   在彩虹之上的某个地方,天空是蔚蓝的   只要你敢做的梦,都会实现   有一天,我会对着星星许愿   然后在云远天高的地方醒来   在那里,烦恼像柠檬汁一样溶化   远离烟囱的顶端   你就可以找到我   在彩虹之上的某个地方,青鸟悠然飞翔   青鸟超过了彩虹   那么,我为何不能?   如果快乐的小青鸟儿   飞过了彩虹   那么,我为何不能? 这首歌是非常经典的爵士音乐作品,曾经在多部电影中作为插曲出现,渲染温馨美好的氛围。   最早是出现在米高梅公司于1939年出品的童话音乐片《绿野仙踪》(the Wizard of Oz)。   在第12届奥斯卡颁奖典礼中,这部电影获得了最佳原创音乐和最佳歌曲奖。   《绿野仙踪》在开始时是黑白片,在小女孩进入梦境后变成了彩色画面,并配上《飞跃彩虹》的音乐,让许多人留下童年璀璨的回忆。   这首由哈罗德·阿伦(Harold Arlen)作曲的歌曲融合了流行音乐和美洲黑人音乐的风格,在片中由朱迪。加兰演唱,曾在排行榜首位达7周之久。此后还多次被人翻唱,被誉为最成功的电影歌曲之一。


An empty street, an empty house, a hole inside my heart I'm all alone and the rooms are getting smaller I wonder how, I wonder why, I wonder where they are The days we had, the songs we sang together Oh yeah And oh my love, I'm holding on forever Reaching for a love that seems so far So I say a little prayer And hope my dreams will take me there Where the skies are blue to see you once again, my love Overseas from coast to coast To find a place I love the most Where the fields are green to see you once again My love I try to read, I go to work, I'm laughing with my friends But I can't stop to keep myself from thinking Oh no I wonder how, I wonder why, I wonder where they are The days we had, the songs we sang together Oh yeah And oh my love, I'm holding on forever Reaching for a love that seems so far So I say a little prayer And hope my dreams will take me there Where the skies are blue to see you once again, my love Overseas from coast to coast To find a place I love the most Where the fields are green to see you once again To hold you in my arms To promise you my love To tell you from the heart You're all I'm thinking of I'm reaching for a love that seems so far So I say a little prayer And hope my dreams will take me there Where the skies are blue to see you once again,my love Overseas from coast to coast To find a place I love the most Where the fields are green to see you once again,my love Say a little prayer Dreams will take me there Where the skies are blue to see you once again Overseas from coast to coast To find a place I love the most Where the fields are green to see you once again My love 英国的流行音乐气候总是让人捉摸不透,Boyzone的方向一片迷茫,拆伙的阴云密布;Spice Girls几乎一夜间从波峰一下跌到谷底。而现在Westlife的五子拥有代表成功的一切装备。热门的歌曲,必杀的外型,巨大的销售数字和可观的歌迷团体。相比之下,Five的嘻哈乐似乎更适合爱蹦爱跳的美国佬,而不是“安静的”不列颠人。


I don't want to say goodbye Let the stars shine through I don't want to say goodbye All I want to do is love with you Just like the light of the morning After the darkness has gone The shadow of my love is falling On a place where the sun always shone Don't you know that's where our hearts both belong? 'Cause I don't want to say goodbye Let the stars shine through No, I don't want to say goodbye All I want to do is love with you *I Don''t Want To Say Goodbye--Teddy Thompson* Together our two hearts are strong Don't you know know that's where our hearts both belong? 'Cause I don't want to say goodbye Let the stars shine through I don't want to say goodbye All I want to do is love with you All I want to do is love with you 虽然电影《Brokeback Moutain》(断背山)的原声碟中的歌曲精彩不断且感情统一,但《I don't want to say goodbye》可能是其中最痴怨缠绵、也是最为紧贴电影主题的一首歌了。 这首《I don't want to say goodbye》风格幽静甜美,悠扬旷达,是一首非常抒情的乡村歌曲。Teddy Thompson忧伤得彻骨清凉的演唱完美地将影片中那种无言而细腻的感情表现了出来。 同时这位虽然低调但造诣非浅的歌手把乡村音乐和巴洛克似的弦乐融入到民谣曲风中的精妙尝试,使得这首歌又跳跃出了影片题材本身的角色限制,成为独具一格的浪漫而美妙的伤别情歌。


Well I come from alabama with my banjo on my knee And I bound for louisiana, my own true love for to see It did rain all night the day I left The weather was bone dry The sun was so hot I froze myself Suzanne, don't you go on and cry I said, oh, suzannah Now, don't you cry for me As I come from alabama with this banjo on my knee Well I had myself a dream the other night When everything was still I dreamed that I saw my girl suzanne She was coming around the hill Now, the buckwheat cake was in her mouth A tear was in her eye I said, that I come from dixie land Suzanne, don't you break down and cry I said, oh, suzannah Now, don‘t you cry for me cause I come from alabama with my banjo on my knee


 I lie awake at night   晚上我躺在床上没有一点睡意   See things in black and white   世界对我来说只有黑与白   I've only got you inside my mind   你的形象无时无刻不在我脑中闪动   You know you have made me blind   我的眼里只有你   I lie awake and pray   我清醒地躺在床上祈祷   that you will look my way   祈祷你会看见我   I have all this longing in my heart   我的心中充满渴望   I knew it right from the start   一开始我就知道   Oh my pretty pretty boy I love you   我的漂亮男孩 我爱你   Like I never ever loved no one before you   在你之前我从未这样爱过一个人   Pretty pretty boy of mine   我的漂亮男孩   Just tell me you love me too   告诉我你也爱我   Oh my pretty pretty boy I need you   我的漂亮男孩我需要你   Oh my pretty pretty boy I do   我的漂亮男孩,是真的   Let me inside make me stay right beside you   让我进来让我留在你身旁   I used to write your name   我曾写下你的名字   And put it in a frame   并把它框起来   And sometimes I think I hear you call   Right from my bedroom wall   有时我觉得我在我房间里听到了你的呼唤   You stay a little while   你待了一会儿   And touch me with your smile   用你的微笑打动我的心   And what can I say to make you mine   我该说什么才能赢得你的心   To reach out for you in time   才能及时掳获你   Oh my pretty pretty boy I love you   我的漂亮男孩 我爱你   Like I never ever loved no one before you   在你之前我从未这样爱过一个人   Pretty pretty boy of mine   我的漂亮男孩   Just tell me you love me too   告诉我你也爱我   Oh my pretty pretty boy I need you   我的漂亮男孩 我需要你   Oh my pretty pretty boy I do   我的漂亮男孩 是真的   Let me inside   让我进来   make me stay right beside you   让我留在你身旁   Oh pretty pretty boy   我的漂亮男孩   say you love me too   说你也爱我   Oh my pretty pretty boy I love you   我的漂亮男孩 我爱你   Like I never ever loved no one before you   在你之前我从未这样爱过一个人   Pretty pretty boy of mine   我的漂亮男孩   Just tell me you love me too   告诉我你也爱我   Oh my pretty pretty boy I need you   我的漂亮男孩 我需要你   Oh my pretty pretty boy I do   我的漂亮男孩 是真的   Let me inside   让我进来   make me stay right beside you   让我留在你身边 M2M组合这首歌是M2M组合(窈窕美眉)演唱的,M2M是由两个来自挪威的小女孩Marit玛莉特及Marion玛莉安所组成的乐团组合,由于两人名字都是M开头,所以就叫M2M。现在这个组合2成员已单飞。


listen to the rhythm of the falling rain telling me just what a fool i’ve been i wish that it would go and let me cry in the rain and let me be alone again the only girl i care about has gone away looking for a brand new start but little does she know that when she left that day along with her she took my heart rain please tell me now does that seem fair for her to steal my heart away when she doesn’t care i can’t love another when my heart’s somewhere far away rain won’t you tell her that i love her so please ask the sun to set her heart a glow rain in her heart and let the love me new start to grow oh listen to the falling rain pi-le-pa-la pi-le-pa-la 《rhythm of the rain(雨中的旋律)》是一首六十年代The Cascades的歌曲。作为绿箭口香糖的广告歌曲,这首歌为人们带来了丝丝细雨,也为绿箭口香糖赢得了清新和舒畅。 The Cascades(瀑布合唱团)来自加州圣地亚哥的这支乐队,是由擅长作曲以及吉他的主唱约翰甘莫 (John Gummoe)领军的,他在1950年代末期结识了另外四位乐手,由于彼此十分投缘,决定共同组团。他们以类似「屋顶歌手合唱团」(The Rooftop Singers)的流畅抒情曲风,在许多私人的宴会上演出,逐渐打响名声。有一天晚上,他们正在某家俱乐部表演的时候,有一家唱片公司的星探正好在场,立刻决定跟他们签约。


A is for Apple B is for Ball C Candle D is for Door E is for Egg F is for Fall G is for Grass H is for Hall I is for Ice J is for Jam K is for Kite L is for Lamb Mmmmmmmmm M Moonlight N Night O Orange P is for Pie Q is for Queen R is for Rain S is for Smile T is for Train Mmmmmmmmm U Umbrella V is for Vell W is for Whale X X-ray Y Yo yo Z is for Zero Mmmmmmmmm 持田香织(Kaori Mochida)是日本当红组合ELT(Every Little Thing)的主唱。持田香织早在中学时代便已加入艺能界,以玉女形象出道,但并不受人瞩目,后来毅然转变形象,简单自然的细肩带上衣配短裙的打扮使其成为不少日本女歌迷模仿的对象。凭借着悦耳清甜的嗓音及"随性而不随便"的整体形象,持田香织接连夺取了各种不同类型的杂志评选出的日本最受欢迎女歌手、最漂亮女歌手等奖项。


A little faith Brightens a rainy day Life is difficult you can't go away Don't hide yourselves in the corner You have my place to stay Sorrow is gonna say goodbye Opens up You'll see the happy sunshine Keep going on with your dream Chasing tomorrow's sunrise The spirit can never die Sun will shine, my friend Won't let you cry, my dear Seeing you shed a tear Make my world disappear You'll never be alone in darkness See my smile, my friend We are with you, holding hands You have got to believe, you are my destiny We're meant to be your friends That's what a friendship be 她的才华不只于用歌声感染人,Fiona更将自己的想法填入歌词中,她的作品题材多样化,但都无不延续她对这世界美丽的描述


when i was young i'd listen to the radio waiting for my favorite songs when they played i'd sing along, it make me smile. those were such happy times and not so long ago how i wondered where they'd gone. but they're back again just like a long lost friend all the songs i love so well. every shalala every wo'wo still shines. every shing-a-ling-a-ling that they're starting to sing so fine when they get to the part where he's breaking her heart it can really make me cry just like before. it's yesterday once more. (shoobie do lang lang) looking back on how it was in years gone by and the good times that had makes today seem rather sad, so much has changed. it was songs of love that i would sing to them and i'd memorise each word. those old melodies still sound so good to me as they melt the years away every shalala every wo'wo still shines every shing-a-ling-a-ling that they're startingto sing so fine all my best memorise come back clearly to me some can even make me cry just like before. it's yesterday once more. (shoobie do lang lang) every shalala every wo'wo still shines. every shing-a-ling-a-ling that they're starting to sing so fine every shalala every wo'wo still shines. every shing-a-ling-a-ling that they're starting to sing 1969年成立的由卡伦卡彭特和哥哥理查德卡彭特组成的Carpenters(木匠)兄妹乐队,在当时金属与迷幻、朋友与毒品泛滥的70年代,犹如一股纯净的清风吹抚着人们的心灵。其中卡伦卡彭特的一曲《Yestoday Once More》在中国更是成为一代青年成长岁月中的不朽金曲,传唱至今,仍经久不衰。


Where have all the flowers gone, long time passing? Where have all the flowers gone, long time ago? Where have all the flowers gone? Gone to young girls, every one! When will they ever learn,oh when will they ever learn? Where have all the young girls gone, long time passing? Where have all the young girls gone, long time ago? Where have all the young girls gone? Gone to young men, every one! When will they ever learn, oh when will they ever learn? Where have all the young men gone, long time passing? Where have all the young men gone, long time ago? Where have all the young men gone? Gone to soldiers, every one! When will they ever learn,oh when will they ever learn? Where have all the soldiers gone, long time passing? Where have all the soldiers gone, a long time ago? Where have all the soldiers gone? Gone to graveyards, every one! When will they ever learn,oh when will they ever learn? Where have all the graveyards gone, long time passing? Where have all the graveyards gone, long time ago? Where have all the graveyards gone? Gone to flowers, every one! When will they ever learn, oh when will they ever learn?


I love the way she fills her clothes. She looks just like them girls in vogue. I love the way she plays it cool. I think that she is beautiful. She\'s so lovely She\'s so lovely She\'s so lovely She\'s so lovely She\'s so lovely She\'s so lovely She\'s so lovely She\'s Pretty, a fitty She\'s got a boyfriend though and thats a pitty. She\'s flirty so flirty And that kind of girl thats really dirty. I don\'t know I don\'t know I don\'t know How we\'ll make it through this. I don\'t know I don\'t know I don\'t know I love the way she bites her lip I love the way she shakes them hips. I love the way she makes me drool. I think that she is beautiful. She\'s so lovely She\'s so lovely She\'s so lovely She\'s so lovely She\'s so lovely She\'s so lovely She\'s so lovely A stunner, I want her Was she this fit when she was 10 years younger? Come see me discreatly. She says shes got a trick or two to teach me. I don\'t know I don\'t know I don\'t know How we\'ll make it through this. I don\'t know I don\'t know I don\'t know How we\'ll make it through this I don\'t know I don\'t know I don\'t know How we\'ll make it through this I don\'t know I don\'t know I don\'t know I think that you are lovely I think that you are lovely I think that you are lovely I think that you are lovely I think that you are lovely I think that you are lovely I think that you are lovely I think that you are beautiful. She\'s so lovely She\'s so lovely She\'s so lovely She\'s so lovely She\'s so lovely She\'s so lovely She\'s so lovely I don\'t know I don\'t know I don\'t know How we\'ll make it through this. I don\'t know I don\'t know I don\'t know How we\'ll make it through this. I don\'t know I don\'t know I don\'t know How we\'ll make it through this. I don\'t know I don\'t know I don\'t know How we\'ll make it through this. I don\'t know I don\'t know I don\'t know How we\'ll make it through this. I don\'t know I don\'t know I don\'t know


Although loneliness has always been a friend of mine I'm leaving my life in your hands People say I'm crazy and that I am blind Risking it all in a glance How you got me blind is still a mystery I can't get you out of my head Don't care what is written in you history As long as you're here with me Every little thing that you have said and done Feels like it's deep within me Doesn't really matter if you're on the run It seems like we're meant to be I've tried to hide it so that no one knows But I guess it shows When you look in to my eyes What you did and where you're comin from I don't care, as long as you love me, baby. I don't care who you are Where you're from As long as you love me Don't care what you did Where you're from Who you are What you did I Don't Care As long as you love me 后街男孩成名作,最脍炙人口的歌曲之一。


I had a dream In this dream it seems It was my perfect day Open my eyes I realize this is my perfect day Hope you never grow old Hope you never grow old Hope you never grow old Hope you never grow old Do ... Birds in the sky They look so high This is my perfect day I feel the breeze I feel ... This is my perfect day Hope you never grow old Hope you never grow old Hope you never grow old Hope you never grow old Forever young I hope you stay forever young Do... Never Grow Old 是The Cranberries 《wake up and smell the coffee》/《在咖啡香中醒来》的一首歌曲   这首歌还被用做了《天下足球》里的背景音乐了的,是在放巴乔特辑的时候。


I'm loving living every single day but sometimes I feel so.... I hope to find a little peace of mind and I just want to know. And who can heal those tiny broken hearts, and what are we to be. Where is home on the milkyway of stars, I dry my eyes again. In my dreams I'm not so far away from home What am I in a world so far away from home All my life all the time so far away from home without you I'll be so far away from home If we could make it thrue the darkest Night we'd have a brither day. the world I see beyond your pretty eyes, makes me want to stay. And who can heal those tiny broken hearts, and what are we to be. Where is home on the milkyway of stars, I dry my eyes again. In my dreams I'm not so far away from home What am I in a world so far away from home All my life all the time so far away from home without you I'll be so far away from home I count on you, no matter what they say, cause love can find it's time. I hope to be a part of you again, baby let us shine. And who can heal those tiny broken hearts, and what are we to be. Where is home on the milkyway of stars, I dry my eyes again. In my dreams I'm not so far away from home What am I in a world so far away from home All my life all the time so far away from home without you I'll be so far away from home In my dreams I'm not so far away from home What am I in a world so far away from home All my life all the time so far away from home without you I'll be so far away from home


The other night dear as I lay sleeping   I dreamed I held you in my arms   When I awoke dear I was mistaken   And I hung my head and cried   You are my sunshine my only sunshine   You make me happy when skies are gray   You\'ll never know dear how much I love you   Please don\'t take my sunshine away   I\'ll always love you and made you happy   If you will only say the same   But if you leave me to love another   You\'ll regret it all some day   You are my sunshine my only sunshine   You make me happy when skies are gray   You\'ll never know dear how much I love you   Please don\'t take my sunshine away   You told me once dear you really loved me   And no one else could come between   But now you\'ve left me and love another   You have shattered all my dreams   You are my sunshine my only sunshine   You make me happy when skies are gray   You\'ll never know dear how much I love you   Please don\'t take my sunshine away 这段悦耳的音乐来自美国乡村音乐家 Jimmie Davis 的经典作品 《You Are My Sunshine》. Davis 在1940年2月4日录制了这首歌. 在发行后的一个月内在美国的销量超过了100万. 在英国发行后, 当时的国王乔治六世说这首歌是他的最爱.   作为一首经典的歌曲, 许多人都曾经翻唱过这首歌. 其中包括 Mitch Miller, Bob Dylan, The Beatles, Tina Turner 等等.当然还有曼联的球迷...


Hey Jude, don't make it bad. Take a sad song and make it better. Remember to let her into your heart, Then you can start to make it better. Hey Jude, don't be afraid. You were made to go out and get her. The minute you let her under your skin, Then you begin to make it better. And anytime you feel the pain, hey Jude, refrain, Don't carry the world upon your shoulders. For well you know that it's a fool who plays it cool By making his world a little colder. Hey Jude, don't let me down. You have found her, now go and get her. Remember to let her into your heart, Then you can start to make it better. So let it out and let it in, hey Jude, begin, You're waiting for someone to perform with. And don't you know that it's just you, hey Jude, you'll do, The movement you need is on your shoulder. Hey Jude, don't make it bad. Take a sad song and make it better. Remember to let her under your skin, Then you'll begin to make it Better better better better better better, oh. Da da da da da da, da da da, hey Jude... end


给你中英对照的歌词吧! try to remember 《追忆》 try to remember the kind of september 追忆那醉人的九月 when life was slow and oh so mellow 时光缓缓生活悠游 try to remember the kind of september 追忆那醉人的九月 when grass was green and grain was yellow 草儿青青稻麦金黄 try to remember the kind of september 追忆那醉人的九月 when you were a tender and a callow fellow 一曾经的年幼温柔 try to remember and if you remember 追忆往日,若你还记得 then follow -follow,oh-oh 请跟我来,跟我来,哦 try to remember when life was so tender 追忆那段感伤时光 that no one wept except the willow 只有杨柳泪珠盈盈 try to remember the kind of september 追忆那醉人的九月 when love was an ember about to billow 爱情的即将燎原的星火 try to remember and if you remember 追忆往日,若你还记得 then follow-follow,oh-oh 请跟我来,跟我来,哦 deep in december it`s nice to remember 十二月的回忆温馨而甜蜜 although you know the snow will follow 尽管你知道大雪即将飘落 deep in december it`s nice to remember 十二月的回忆温馨而甜蜜 the fire of september that made us mellow 九月的热恋沉醉着你我 deep in december our hearts should remember 十二月的回忆深埋在心里 and follow-follow,oh-oh 请跟我来,跟我来,哦


Fly Me to the Moon-Olivia Fly me to the moon And let me play among the stars Let me see what spring is like On Jupiter and Mars In other words, Hold my hand In other words, Darling, kiss me Fill my heart with song And let me sing forever more You are all I long for All I worship and adore In other words, please be true In other words,I love you In other words,hol my hand In other words,Darling, kiss me Fill my heart with song And let me sing forever more You are all I long for All I worship and adore In other words, Please be true In other words, I love you


You know I can't smile without you I can't smile without you I can't laugh and I can't sing I'm finding it hard to do anything You see I feel sad when you're sad I feel glad when you're glad If you only knew what I'm going through I just can't smile without you http://leonwilliams2006. By:happyann You came along just like a song And brighten my day Who would of believed that you were part of a dream Now it all seems light years away And now you know I can't smile without you I can't smile without you I can't laugh and I can't sing I'm finding it hard to do anything You see I feel sad when you're sad I feel glad when you're glad If you only knew what I'm going through I just can't smile Now some people say happiness takes so very long to find Well, I'm finding it hard leaving your love behind me And you see I can't smile without you I can't smile without you http://leonwilliams2006. By:happyann I can't laugh and I can't sing I'm finding it hard to do anything You see I feel glad when you're glad I feel sad when you're sad If you only knew what I'm going through I just can't smile without you


Donkey, Donkey I beg you, please don@t sing heehaw I shall feed you, I shall feed you Please don@t sing heehaw, heehaw.Heehaw, heehaw, heehaw Why you sing so loud? I shall feed you, I shall feed you


Love me tender,love me sweet; 温柔地爱我,甜蜜地爱我 Never let me go. 永远不要放手让我走 You have made my life complete. 有了你我的生活才完整 And I love you so. 我是那样爱你。 Love me tender,love me true; 温柔地爱我,真实地爱我 All my dream ful fill, 那足以满足我所有的梦想 For my darling, I love you. 因为亲爱的我爱你 And I always will. 永远都爱你 Love me tender,love me long; 温柔地爱我,持久地爱我 Take me to your heart, 把我藏在你的内心 For it's there that I belong, 因为那里是我的家 And we'll never part. 我们永远不分离 Love me tender,love me true; 温柔地爱我,真实地爱我 All my dream ful fill, 那足以满足我所有的梦想 For my darling, I love you. 因为亲爱的我爱你 And I always will. 永远都爱你 Love me tender,love me dear; 温柔地爱我,怜惜地爱我 Tell me your are mine, 告诉我你是我的 i'll be yours through all the year, 我就会永远呆在你身边 Till the end of time 直到时间的尽头 Love me tender,love me true; 温柔地爱我,真实地爱我 All my dream ful fill, 那足以满足我所有的梦想 For my darling, I love you. 因为亲爱的我爱你 And I always will. 永远都爱你


I should have known all along, there was something wrong 我早该察觉,自始至终,总有些不对.   I just never read between the lines 我只是不曾深究   Then I woke up one day and found you on your way 于是有一天醒来发现你有你的路要走   Leaving nothing but my heart behind 什么都没说,把我的真心丢在脑后   What can I do to make it up to you 要我怎么做才能和你重归旧好   Promises don't come easy 诺言难许   But tell me if there's a way to bring you back home to stay 但只要你说有什么能让你回到我身边   Well I'd promises anything to you 那么让我承诺你什么都好   I've been walking' around with my head hanging down 我在路上漫无目的,垂头丧气   Wondering' what I'm gonna do 想知道还可以做什么   'Cause when you walked out that door, I knew I needed you more 因为自从你离开家,我发现自己需要的是你,   Than to take a chance on losing you 而不是要再有一次机会失去你.   What can I do to make it up to you 要我怎样才能和你重归旧好   Promises don't come easy 诺言难许   You know I've made up my mind to make it work this time 要知道这次我已经下定决心给你承诺   That's the promise that I give to you 这就是我给你的诺言   You never thought I loved you 你从没想过我是爱你的   I guess you never thought I cared 我猜你不曾想到我在意你   I was just too proud to say it out loud 我只是太在乎我的骄傲而不曾大声的说   Now I know, to let my feelings go (so tell me) 现在我明白了,让那些骄傲都见鬼去吧   What can I do to make it up to you 那么告诉我吧,要我怎样才能和你重归旧好.   Promises don't come easy 诺言难许   You know I've made up my mind to make it work this time 要知道这次我已经下定决心给你承诺   That's the promise I can give to you 这就是我给你的诺言   What can I do to make it up to you 怎么才能和你重归旧好?


Let's start at the very beginning A very good place to start When you read you begin with ABC When you sing you begin with Do Re Mi Do Re Mi Do Re Mi The first three notes just happen to be Do Re Mi Do Re Mi Do Re Mi Fa So La Ti Let's see if I can make it easier Do - a deer a female deer Re - a drop of golden sun Mi - a name I call myself Fa - a long long way to run So- a needle pulling thread La - a note to follow so Ti - a drink with jam and bread That will bring us back to Do Do - a deer a female deer Re - a drop of golden sun Mi - a name I call myself Fa - a long long way to run So- a needle pulling thread La - a note to follow so Ti - a drink with jam and bread That will bring us back to Do - a deer a female deer Re - a drop of golden sun Mi - a name I call myself Fa - a long long way to run So- a needle pulling thread La - a note to follow so Ti - a drink with jam and bread That will bring us back to Do Do Re Mi Fa So La Ti Do So Do So Do La Fa Mi Do Re So Do La Fa Mi Do Re So Do La Ti Do Re Do So Do La Ti Do Re Do Now let's put it all together So Do La Fa Mi Do Re So Do La Ti Do Re Do When you know the notes to sing You can sing most anything When you know the notes to sing You can sing most anything Do - a deer a female deer Re - a drop of golden sun Mi - a name I call myself Fa - a long long way to run So- a needle pulling thread La - a note to follow so Ti - a drink with jam and bread That will bring us back to Do Do Re Mi Fa So La Ti Do Do Ti La So Fa Mi Re Do Mi Mi Mi So So Re Fa Fa La Ti Ti Do Mi Mi Mi So So Re Fa Fa La Ti Ti When you know the notes to sing You can sing most anything Do - a deer a female deer Re - a drop of golden sun Mi - a name I call myself Fa - a long long way to run So- a needle pulling thread La - a note to follow so Ti - a drink with jam and bread That will bring us back to So Do La Fa Mi Do Re So Do La Fa La So Fa Ti Re Ti Do So Do


Kiss me,goodbye,gone too soon, I did give you my heart can't deny. hold on,let go,never sure, only can make believe all this time. Coffee,cigarettes,not my style, petty faces around but not right. Don't cry,won't cry,I won't cry, be with you I just close my eyes. so far away I can hardly make you mine, so long the day you are always on my mind, but in my dreams never try to hold you tight, don't wanna awake find you ain't here by my side. da la da da la da a da da di da di da da du so far away I can hardly make you mine, so long the day you are always on my mind, but in my dreams never try to hold you tight, don't wanna awake find you ain't here by my side. so far away I can hardly make you mine, so long the day you are always on my mind, but in my dreams never try to hold you tight, don't wanna awake find you ain't here by my side. when I wake up hope you were here by my side


Love in your eyes Sitting silent by my side Going on Holding hand Walking through the nights Hold me up Hold me tight Lift me up to touch the sky Teaching me to love with heart Helping me open my mind I can fly I'm proud that I can fly To give the best of mine Till the end of the time Believe me I can fly I'm proud that I can fly To give the best of mine The heaven in the sky Stars in the sky Wishing once upon a time Give me love Make me smile Till the end of life Hold me up Hold me tight Lift me up to touch the sky Teaching me to love with heart Helping me open my mind I can fly I'm proud that I can fly To give the best of mine Till the end of the time Believe me I can fly I'm proud that I can fly To give the best of mine The heaven in the sky Can’t you believe that you light up my way No matter how that ease my path I’ll never lose my faith See me fly I’m proud to fly up high Show you the best of mine Till the end of the time Believe me I can fly I’m singing in the sky Show you the best of mine The heaven in the sky Nothing can stop me Spread my wings so wide


I'm sitting here in a boring room. It's just another rainy Sunday afternoon. I'm waisting my time, I got nothing to do. I'm hanging around, I'm waiting for you. But nothing ever happens, and I wonder. I'm driving around in my car. I'm driving too fast, I'm drving too far. I'd like to change my point of view. I felt so lonely, I'm waiting for you. But nothing ever happens, and I wonder. I wonder how, I wonder why. Yesterday you told me about the blue, blue sky. And all that I can see is just a yellow lemon tree. I'm turning my head up and down. I'm turning, turning, turning, turning, turning around. And all that I can see is just another yellow lemon tree. I'm sitting here, and I miss the power. I'd like to go out taking a shower. But there's a heavy clound inside my mind. I feel so tired, and put myself into bed. Where nothing ever happens, and I wonder. I'm stepping around in a desert of joy. Baby, anyhow I get another toy. And everthing will happen, and you wonder. And all that I can see is just another lemon tree. And all that I can see, And all that I can see, And all that I can see is just a yellow lemon tree. lemon tree 一歌由Fool's Garden(傻子的花园)于1996年首唱,1996年,一曲“LEMON TREE”(柠檬树)使这支原本寂寂无名的德国5人乐队一下子红遍欧洲、亚洲,同时也有The brothers four 演唱的美国乡村版,在被苏慧伦翻唱后也开始为国人熟知。


Goodbye to you, my trusted friend〖再见了,我忠实的朋友〗 we've known each other since we were nine or ten〖我们从孩提时就已相识、相知〗 together we've climbed hills and trees〖我们一起爬山、爬树〗 learned of love and A-B-C`s〖学会去爱和其他基本知识〗 skinned our hearts and skinned our knees〖我们心意相通,情同手足〗 Goodbye my friend, it's hard to die〖再见了朋友,我实在不愿意离去〗 when all the birds are singing in the sky〖当所有的鸟儿在天空歌唱〗 now that the spring is in the air〖空气中弥漫着春天的气息〗 pretty girls are every where〖到处是漂亮的女孩〗 think of me and I'll be there〖想我了,我就会与你同在〗 We had joy, we had fun〖我们曾共享快乐〗 we had seasons in the sun〖也曾共享阳光季节〗 but the hills that we climb〖但我们一起爬山〗 were just seasons out of time〖的那些日子已经逝去〗 Goodbye, Papa, please pray for me〖再见了爸爸,请为我祈祷〗 I was the black sheep of the family〖我是家里的害群之马〗 you tried to teach me right from wrong〖你费尽心思教我明辨是非〗 too much wine and too much song〖我却沉醉于歌酒狂欢中〗 wonder how I got along〖真不知道我以前的日子是如何过来的〗 Goodbye, Papa, it's hard to die〖再见了爸爸,我实在不愿意离去〗 when all the birds are singing in the sky〖当所有的鸟儿在天空歌唱〗 now that the spring is in the air〖空气中弥漫着春天的气息〗 little children every where〖小孩子在到处嬉戏〗 when you'll see them, I'll be there〖当你看见他们,我就会与你同在〗 We had joy, we had fun〖我们曾共享快乐〗 we had seasons in the sun〖也曾共享阳光季节〗 but the wild and the song〖但昔日的歌酒狂欢〗 like the season has all gone〖犹如季节更迭已消逝〗 We had joy, we had fun〖我们曾共享快乐〗 we had seasons in the sun〖也曾共享阳光季节〗 but the wild and the song〖但昔日的歌酒狂欢〗 like the season has all gone〖犹如季节更迭已消逝〗 Goodbye, Michelle, my little one〖再见了蜜雪儿,我的小可爱〗 you gave me love and helped me find the sun〖你给了我爱,帮我找到希望〗 and every time that I was down〖每当我意志消沉时〗 you would always come around〖你总会来到我的身边〗 and get my feet back on the ground〖鼓励我振作起来〗 Goodbye, Michelle, it's hard to die〖再见了蜜雪儿,我实在不愿意离去〗 when all the birds are singing in the sky〖当所有的鸟儿在天空歌唱〗 now that the spring is in the air〖空气中弥漫着春天的气息〗 with the flowers every where〖到处都是美丽的花朵〗 I wish that we could both be there〖我希望我们都在那儿欢聚〗 We had joy, we had fun〖我们曾共享快乐〗 we had seasons in the sun〖也曾共享阳光季节〗 but the hills that we climb〖但我们一起爬山〗 were just seasons out of time〖的那些日子已经逝去〗 We had joy, we had fun〖我们曾共享快乐〗 we had seasons in the sun〖也曾共享阳光季节〗 but the wild and the song〖但昔日的歌酒狂欢〗 like the season has all gone〖犹如季节更迭已消逝〗 We had joy, we had fun〖我们曾共享快乐〗 we had seasons in the sun〖也曾共享阳光季节〗 but the wild and the song〖但昔日的歌酒狂欢〗 like the season has all gone〖犹如季节更迭已消逝〗 We had joy, we had fun〖我们曾共享快乐〗 we had seasons in the sun〖也曾共享阳光季节〗 but the wild and the song〖但昔日的歌酒狂欢〗 like the season has all gone〖犹如季节更迭已消逝〗


HOW MUCH I LOVE YOU HOW MUCH I LOVE YOU YOU DON'T KNOW YOU DON'T KNOW YOU DON'T KNOW HOW MUCH I LOVE YOU HOW MUCH I LOVE YOU YOU DON'T KNOW YOU DON'T KNOW YOU DON'T KNOW OU~~~~~~~ YOU DON'T KNOW YOU DON'T KNOW YOU DON'T KNOW OU~~~~~~~ YOU DON'T KNOW YOU DON'T KNOW YOU DON'T KNOW YOU DON'T KNOW 自然卷”是自然的存在,他们是由一男一女两个人组成的组合,这两位台湾土生土长的年轻人,因为他们的头发都是自然卷,所以索性将组合的名字就叫做“自然卷”。「全才音乐人 奇哥」包办了词曲创作、编曲、程式编写、乐器演奏、录音及混音等全部工作。「女主唱 娃娃」拥有清甜却不妖娆的好歌喉,就像邻家女孩一般地清秀可爱。作为一个二人组合,“自然卷”的搭配与分工都十分自然、和谐,就像他们自然的卷发一般,有着独特的美感与魅力。


When I find myself in times of trouble Mother Mary comes to me Speaking words of wisdom, let it be. And in my hour of darkness She is standing right in front of me Speaking words of wisdom, let it be. Let it be, Let it be, Let it be Let it be Whisper words of wisdom, let it be. And when the broken hearted people Living in the world agree, There will be an answer, let it be. For though they may be parted there is Still a chance that they will see There will be an answer, let it be. Let it be, let it be. Let it be, Let it be There will be an answer, let it be. And when the night is cloudy, There is still a light that shines on me, Shine on until tomorrow, let it be. I wake up to the sound of music Mother Mary comes to me Speaking words of wisdom, let it be. Let it be, let it be. Let it be, Let it be There will be an answer, let it be. Let it be, let it be, Let it be, Let it be Whisper words of wisdom, let it be.


winter has come冬天已经来了 farewell to the sun太阳离得好远 it's getting colder every single day一天比一天冷 you are not here你不在这里 can't stand you're not near不能忍受你不在身边 I'll wait for you forever and I pray我会等待并为你祈祷 My Fantasy makes believe that you're with me我仿佛相信我们还在一起 I have winter in my heart冬天在我心里 cause I miss you more than words can say因为我如此想念你以至无法言语 when nights are long and lonely without you没有你的晚上是漫长和孤独的 I have winter in my heart冬天在我心里 count the hours every single day每一天都在数着时间 that lonesome time is too sad to be true那种幽寂是那样的真实那样伤 got winter in my heart就像冬天在我心里 snow falling down雪一直下 and you're not around你不再回来 I'm all alone in that white wonderland我孤独的待在那白色的妙境里 taking a walk漫步 there's no one to talk没有一个人和我说话 we used to be together hand in hand我们过去经常是手牵手在一起 my fantasy makes me believe thar you're with me我仿佛相信我们还在一起 Hmm~~~ --music-- The end 在德国这个流行音乐尚属年轻的地方,有一支充满青春活力的四人组合,在流行舞曲的世界同样掀开一片天地,注入了极具德国风情的新鲜活力。


Life is a short trip 生命就像一次短暂的旅行 The music is for the sad men 音乐是属于悲伤的人们 The music is played by the mad men 音乐由疯狂的人们演奏 Forever Young 永远年轻 I want to be Forever Young 我想永远年轻 Do you really want to live forever 你是否真的希望永远年轻 Forever 永远 and ever 永远 Forever Young !!!


I'm just a little bit caught in the middle Life is a maze, and love is a riddle I don't know where to go Can't do it alone I've tried, but i don't know why Slow it down, make it stop Or else my heart is going to pop Cause its to much, yea its alot To be something I'm not I'm a fool, out of love Cause I just can't get enough I'm just a little bit caught in the middle Life is a maze, and love is a riddle I don't know where to go Can't do it alone I've tride, but i don't know why I'm just a little girl lost in the moment I'm so scared but i don't show it I can't figure it out It's bringing me down I know, I've got to let it go And just enjoy the show The sun is hot in the sky Just like a giant spot light The people follow the signs And synchronise in time It's just, no body knows They got to take it to the show I'm just a little bit caught in the middle Life is a maze, and love is a riddle I don't know where to go Can't do it alone I've tried, but i don't know why I'm just a little girl lost in the moment I'm so scared but i don't show it I can't figure it out It's bringing me down I know, I've got to let it go And just enjoy the show Just engoy the show I'm just a little bit caught in the middle Life is a maze, and love is a riddle I don't know where to go Can't do it alone I've tride, but i don't know why I'm just a little girl lost in the moment I'm so scared but i don't show it I can't figure it out It's bringing me down I know, I've got to let it go And just enjoy the show Just enjoy the show Just enjoy the show I want my money back I want my money back I want my money back Just enjoy the show I want my money back I want my money back I want my money back Just enjoy the show


Gimme a reason Why I'm feeling so blue Everytime I close my eyes, all I see is you Gimme a reason Why I can't feel my heart Everytime you leave my side, I just fall apart And when you're fast asleep, I wonder where you go Can you tell me, I wanna know Because I miss you And this is all I wanna say I guess I miss you, beautiful These three words have said it all You know I miss you I think about you when you're gone I guess I miss you, nothing's wrong I don't need to carry on Gimme a reason Why I can't concentrate The world is turning upside down Spinning round and round Gimme a reason Why I now understand The beauty and simplicity of everything surrounding me You got a way of spreading magic everywhere Anywhere I go, I know you're always there It sounds ridiculous, but when you leave a room There's a part of me that just wants to follow you too Because I miss you And this is all I wanna say I guess I miss you, beautiful These three words have said it all You know I miss you I think about you when you're gone I guess I miss you, nothing's wrong I don't need to carry on It's such a hard life in most of the time I'm just surviving That's why I want you to know In the world where sincerity has lost its meaning You fill my world with so much hope And I miss you This is all I wanna say I guess I miss you, beautiful These three words have said it all You know I miss you I think about you when you're gone I guess I miss you, nothing's wrong I don't need to carry on You know I miss you And this all I wanna say I guess I miss you, beautiful These three words have said it all You know I miss you And this is all I wanna do I know it doesn't sound too cool But maybe I'm in love with you You know I miss you And this all I wanna say I guess I miss you, nothing's wrong I don't need to carry on I just miss you Yeah, it's true I miss you, baby And when you're walking out that door I know I miss you You make me wanna ask for more I just miss you Yeah, it's true I miss you, baby


I've been letting you down, down Girl I know I've been such a fool Giving into temptation I should have played it cool The situation got out of hand I hope you understand It can happen to anyone of us Anyone you think of Anyone can fall Anyone can hurt someone they love Hearts will break Cos I made a stupid mistake Say you will forgive me Anyone can fail Say you will believe me I can't escape My heart will break Cause I made a stupid mistake A stupid mistake She was kind of exciting A little crazy I should have known She must have altered my senses As I offered to walk her home She means nothing to me Nothing to me I swear every word is true I don't wanna lose you


I close both locks below the window I close both blinds and turn away Sometimes solutions aren't so simple Sometimes goodbye's the only way,ahh~ And the sun will set for you The sun will set for you,uh~ And the shadow of the day Will embrace the world in grey And the sun will set for you music Pink cards and flowers on your window Your friends all plead for you to stay Sometimes beginnings aren't so simple Sometimes goodbye's the only way,ahh~ And the sun will set for you,uh~ The sun will set for you And the shadow of the day Will embrace the world in grey And the sun will set for you And the shadow of the day Will embrace the world in grey And the sun will set for you And the shadow of the day Will embrace the world in grey And the sun will set for you end music


And I wanna believe you, When you tell me that it'll be ok, Ya I try to believe you, But I don't When you say that it's gonna be, It always turns out to be a different way, I try to believe you, Not today, today, today, today, today... I don't know how I'll feel, Tomorrow(tomorrow), tomorrow(tomorrow) I don't know what to say, Tomorrow(tomorrow), tomorrow(tomorrow) Is a different day It's always been up to you, It's turning around, It's up to me, I'm gonna do what I have to do, Just don't Gimme a little time, Leave me alone a little while, Maybe it's not too late, Not today, today, today, today, today... I don't know how I'll feel, Tomorrow(tomorrow), tomorrow(tomorrow) I don't know what to say, Tomorrow(tomorrow), tomorrow(tomorrow) Is a different day Hey yeah yeah, hey yeah yeah, and I know I'm not ready, Hey yeah yeah, hey yeah yeah, maybe tomorrow Hey yeah yeah, hey yeah yeah, and I know I'm not ready, Hey yeah yeah, hey yeah yeah, maybe tomorrow And I wanna believe you, When you tell me that it'll be ok, Ya I try to believe you, Not today, today, today, today, today... Tomorrow it may change Tomorrow it may change Tomorrow it may change Tomorrow it may change


There's somethin' that I've got to say You're always with me Even though, you're far away Talkin to you on my cell Just the sound of your voice Makes my heart melt Oh girl, well it's true I'm all about you I'm all about us No, baby, you never have To question my love And every night There's a new crowd But it's always you That I'm singing about There is only one these words Are going out to Oh girl, I'm all about you Iknow you worry sometime Some other girl will make me forget you're mine There's not a doubt in this world That anyone could take the Place of my number one girl It's true I'm all about you I'm all about us No, baby, you never have To question my love And every night There's a new crowd But it's always you That I'm singing about There is only one these words Are going out to Oh girl, I'm all about you When i close my eyes i can see you It's like your right here And this feeling's only gettin' stronger You're with me everywhere I'm all about you I'm all about us No, baby, you never have To question my love And every night There's a new crowd But it's always you That I'm singing about There is only one these words Are goin' out to Oh girl, I'm all about you I'm all about you I'm all about you I'm all about you I'm all about you....


Take my hand, take a breath Pull me close and take one step Keep your eyes locked on mine, And let the music be your guide. Won't you promise me (now won't you promise me, that you'll never forget) We'll keep dancing (to keep dancing) wherever we go next It's like catching lightning the chances of finding someone like you It's one in a million, the chances of feeling the way we do And with every step together, we just keep on getting better So can I have this dance (can I have this dance) Can I have this dance Take my hand, I'll take the lead And every turn will be safe with me Don't be afraid, afraid to fall You know I'll catch you threw it all And you can't keep us apart (even a thousand miles, can't keep us apart) 'Cause my heart is (cause my heart is) wherever you are It's like catching lightning the chances of finding someone like you It's one in a million, the chances of feeling the way we do And with every step together, we just keep on getting better So can I have this dance (can I have this dance) Can I have this dance Oh no mountains too high enough, oceans too wide 'Cause together or not, our dance won't stop Let it rain, let it pour What we have is worth fighting for You know I believe, that we were meant to be It's like catching lightning the chances of finding someone like you (like you) It's one in a million, the chances of feeling the way we do (way we do) And with every step together, we just keep on getting better So can I have this dance (can I have this dance) Can I have this dance Can I have this dance Can I have this dance 牵我手, 深呼吸, 靠近我, 紧跟我, 注视我,(看着我的眼睛) 以音乐为向导,(踏着音乐的节拍) 难道不想对我承诺什么吗?(难道不想与我共舞吗?) 真不想?(想就来吧) 你会终生难忘, 我们, 无论身处何地, 一直就这样共舞, 舞下去!(舞出我们的人生 !)


It’s early in the morning soon another day will dawn I can’t wait to feel your arms around me again I believe that we could lay down the world together we could live the dream that never ends Open up the door just a little more baby let me in You are the one, You are the one who can make moments last forever The one that makes the sun shine where ever you go You are the one why make it harder, than it has to be just listen, I’ll give you love if you’ll give me your heart Everytime I near you time is standing still there’s nothing you can’t fix with your heavenly smile I would never leave you my love is for life taking things for granted was never my style Just give a little love say you’ll never stop I’ll do anything You are the one, You are the one who can make moments last forever The one that makes the sun shine where ever you go You are the one why make it harder, than it has to be just listen, I’ll give you love if you’ll give me your heart And I’ll do anything if you give me your heart ahh ahh yeah I’ll do anything You are the one, You are the one who can make moments last forever The one that makes the sun shine where ever you go You are the one give a little love say you’ll never stop and I’ll do anything I’ll give you love if you’ll give me your heart who can make moments last forever The one that makes the sun shine where ever you go you are the one why make it harder, than it has to be just listen, I’ll give you love if you’ll give me your heart





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when you told me you loved me

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2010-02-11 22:14:22


2010-02-27 16:37:03

握爪啊 亲爱的兽兽 呵呵

2010-01-31 12:47:32


2010-02-03 22:44:11


2010-01-26 22:16:22


2010-01-27 09:39:16


2010-01-26 17:39:16


2017-10-30 10:21:33


2010-01-26 16:23:08


2010-01-28 13:33:21

pretty good album...bravo

2010-01-26 10:50:46


2010-01-26 12:33:18

好牛的精选集,用心良苦了 一定要收藏~~

2010-01-25 17:08:08


2010-01-25 17:09:33


2010-01-25 17:04:06


2010-01-25 17:06:29

兽兽 兽兽 我爱你 就像老鼠爱大米。。。~ 你给我签名吧。。。

2010-01-25 14:47:03

咳咳~~ 老板你给我两斤老鼠干来着 恩给你画画~一只神兽哈哈

2010-01-25 14:52:40


2010-01-23 21:52:55

哈哈谢谢~ 的确是入门歌曲~

2010-01-23 22:17:31

都是经典的英文歌啊。 尤爱<HEY JUDE>,每次听都有不一样的触感。。。 感谢楼主~

2010-01-23 21:44:42

嗯嗯不谢不谢~ 呵呵的确啊比较经典 k歌的地方也比较有~

2010-01-23 22:17:17

果然有了歌词~ 这个变得无比的长啊~

2010-01-23 18:19:55


2010-01-23 18:19:49


2010-01-23 19:03:47


2010-01-23 11:40:53

经典的是一定会有哒~~ 像yesterdayonce more或者onelove 而且这些歌大多都可以称为经典了

2010-01-23 11:45:23


2010-01-23 10:44:39

呵呵~ 早睡好呀~ 晚睡不好~

2010-01-23 11:20:00