Me And My Baby


Me And My Baby - Rob Fisher
My dear little baby
My dear little baby
My sweet little baby
My sweet little grummbled baby
Look at my baby and me
Me and my baby
My baby and me
We're bout as happy
As babies can be
What if I find
That I'm caught in a storm
I don't care
My baby's there
And baby's bound to keep me warm
We're sticking together
And ain't we got fun
So much together
You'd count us as one
Tell old man worry to go climb a tree
Cause I've got my baby
My sweet little baby
Look at my baby and me
I don't see how you could possibly delay the trial another second Mr. Flynn
My readers wouldn't stand for it to have her baby born in jail
I can assure you she'll come to trial at the earliest possible moment
And you can quote me on that
Hey everybody I'm the father I'm the father
Yak yak yak yak
Look at my baby
My baby and me
A dream of a duo
Now don't you agree
Why keep it mum
When there's nothing to hide
And what I feel
I must reveal
It's more that I can keep inside
Let me assure you
It won't go away
I can assure you
It grows everyday
I was a one once
But now I'm a we
Cause I got my baby
My dear little baby
Look at my baby and me
I think its sweet
First time we ever had one of our girls knocked up
Ive got it and it's brilliant
I'm gonna get amos to divorce you
That way all the sympathy'll go to you and not him
You'll be the poor little deserted mother to be and that crumb is runnin out on you
Thats my kid thats my kid
Look at my baby
My baby and me
Facing the world
Nothing can stop us
So nobody try
Cause baby's rough
And full of stuff
And incidentally
So am I
Get out of our way folks
And give us some room
Watch how we bubble
And blossom and bloom
Life was a prison
But we got the key
Me and my baby
My dear little baby
My cute little baby
My sweet little baby
My fat little baby
My soft little baby
My pink little baby
My bald little baby
Look at my baby
And me







2018-12-13 11:41:07


2018-11-27 11:29:00

歌剧的张力表现力真的是太强太强了 听完了 电影一点都不想看了

2017-11-03 00:11:07